Cases for Court : Commonwealth of Australia Federal Court of Australia

8 case(s) available

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StateDateCase NameOptions
Commonwealth of Australia2018-04-06Lahoud v the Democratic Republic of Congo (No 2)
Commonwealth of Australia2018-04-06Blow Bar Co Pty Limited v McGann (No 2)
Commonwealth of Australia2018-04-06Bechara v Bates
Commonwealth of Australia2018-04-06Croft on Behalf of the Barngarla Native Title Claim Group v State of South AUSTRALIA (No 3)
Commonwealth of Australia2018-04-06Regis Aged CARE Pty Ltd v Secretary, Department of Health (No 2)
Commonwealth of Australia2018-04-06Farah v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection
Commonwealth of Australia2018-04-06Billabong International Limited, in the Matter of Billabong International Limited (No 2)
Commonwealth of Australia2018-04-06Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v Josway Hospitality Pty Ltd